This page contains a number of great posters and other imagery to help you support changing the date.
At Officeworks, an A4 100gsm poster will only cost about 70c or A3 about a $1.50. Just send them one of the files below.
Share The Poster On Your Wall!
Once you put the poster on your wall or window, share a photo to instagram or facebook and tag #changethedate @changeitourselves
If you're a business that's changing the date, consider promoting your involvement through Change It Ourselves - More info here

Celebrate Australia Poster (dark version)
A poster for everyone's wall.
A design by Ben Sanders and Dale de Silva.
View and download the file

#ChangeTheDate Poster (dark version)
Simple and clear.
A design by Ben Sanders and Dale de Silva.
View and download the file

Flag and Australia Poster (dark version)
Less text, more impact.

Celebrate Australia Poster
A poster for everyone's wall.
A great design by Ben Sanders.
View and download the file

Next Appointment Poster
If you run a business that relies on appointments, this poster informs your clients to book appointments on the 26th so you can operate as usual that day.
A great design by Ben Sanders.
View and download the file

We're Open Poster
This is poster let's passers by know you're going to be open or that you are open on the 26th of January
A great design by Ben Sanders.
View and download the file

Closed Today Poster
This poster let's people know why you're closed on the day that you choose to celebrate Australia.
A great design by Ben Sanders.
View and download the file
Community Posters

How to change the date of Australia Day.
Graphic illustrated by Anna Hoyle.

Fly Our Flag
Designed by Rose Stewart.
A 13 year old Taungurung, Gunditjmara girl living on Wurundjeri.
Want Your Poster Up Here?
If you're a designer or an artist who'd like to share a poster with Australia, get in touch!
Feel free to print and distribute these works individually or on mass.
Unless otherwise stated, each poster is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
This means that, while you can print and use the posters as much as you like, they remain the copyright of their respective creators and you may not modify them without permission. Attribution isn't necessary but should be in the form of a link to if appropriate.